Reflections from a One: Learning to Live in Grace
Enneagram Paula Frances Price Enneagram Paula Frances Price

Reflections from a One: Learning to Live in Grace

It’s exhausting to know me.

I talk really fast; I’m constantly doing too much. Every cause is my cause. I want to know your pain, listen to your pain, and then come up with a solution. I am hypercritical of every situation, and I focus most of that criticism on myself. As my husband says, “You’re exhausting!”

I am a One on the Enneagram, often called “the Perfectionist.” As The Enneagram Institute website explains, Ones are “conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong.” When we are healthy, we are committed to living a life that is both ethical and devoted to service. Healthy Ones are also responsible and can offer grace both to themselves and others when something is not perfect. Ones are committed to making the world a better place.

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