What is Our Role?
Politics Paula Frances Price Politics Paula Frances Price

What is Our Role?

I got into my car, flipped the radio on, and my heart sank. Once again, reports of a school shooting filled my car. As I mulled over my different emotions – grief, anger, numbness – I began to wonder, what is my role?

I know my role as a mom: to protect my daughter. I know my role as American: to vote and advocate for a better America. But as a Christian what is my role?

How do we as Christians navigate a world of politics? How do we know what to say, when scripture doesn’t mention the different topics that we are debating on the national stage?

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A False War
Politics Paula Frances Price Politics Paula Frances Price

A False War

It’s not about believing the women, it’s about the lie that we are at war. In a war, you work with imperfect people and ideas to win. You're willing drop the first nuclear bomb, killing millions, creating a weapon that threatens the human race, to save millions. In a war, you work with evil people to stop evil people. Wars provide excuses to slip on blinders so that you can focus on the “common good.”

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